Hello! It's me "Thundercat"! or rather Ten-the-Cat.
Ok you got me, actually, it's just Ten. Named after Ben 10, the cartoon super hero.
Yes, he's a boy...back then, my owner, Aiman, thought I was a boy, too.
A Year Ago...
Here I am at 2 months |
One wet & rainy night, in May 2010, our cat-Mommy, Pretty, was trying to find a safe place for us to live. She carried us around but just couldn't find any. My brothers & I were were cold & wet and we were scared. We mewed loudly and she panicked. Luckily, Aiman's Abah (Daddy) heard us and rushed downstairs to save us!And so, my 2 brothers (Puteh & Tiny) and I lived at the entrance to Aiman's home.
This is my cat-Mommy, Pretty & my late brother, Tiny |
The 3 of us were quite a handful ! We played with anything we could and made quite a mess! We were growing bigger & naughtier everyday!
Here's Puteh, my other brother |
Tiny & Puteh moved to Ipoh to live with Aiman's Popoh & KungKung (Grandma & Grandpa). But, Tiny got sick and died.
Puteh still lives with them & is very happy. He has other friends there too; Seven, Ben, Tabby, Ebony, Muffin, Ma-Cat & War-Hero. (One day, my new Mommy (human-mommy) will help me upload the pictures).
A Year Later...
Don't I look good? |
I stayed on in Aiman's house where I look after my new family. I have human Abah & Mommy & 2 human brothers too, Aiman & Aidin.
I love them soooo much!
Yawn! I Need some sleep now! Zzzz... |
Until next time....